Bia Babau
My name is Maria Babau. I sign my books as BiaBabau.I was born in Glória, in the municipality ofEstremoz, in the district of Évora, in the Provinceof Alto Alentejo, in Portugal.Storytelling is the vitalization of other beings andmy being, too!And for this and much more, I like to tell stories!Academic Training and Professional Activity:– Postgraduate Course in Personal and SocialFormation, at the Faculty of Psychology andHuman Sciences, at the Universidade Nova deLisboa, obtaining the University Degree ofSpecialization in Educational Sciences, in the áreaof Personal and Social Training, for two years.– A five-year degree in Religious Sciences, with theIntegrated Internship, at the University Institute ofReligious Sciences, from the Faculty of Theologyof the Portuguese Catholic University in Lisbon.– Attendance but not completion of the Degree inModern Languages and Literatures, variant ofEnglish/ German, at the Faculty of Letters, at theUniversity of Coimbra.– Trainer of teachers in the area of Moral andReligious Catholic Education; Specific Didactics(Moral and Religious Catholic Education) andEducation for Citizenship.– Teacher of Catholic Moral and Religious Education,in the school cluster, AECISTER, in Alcobaça.